Usia Dini, baik itu usia Kelompok Bermain (KB) maupun usia Taman Kanak Kanak (TKK) adalah usia emas untuk perkembangan sosialisasi anak. Anak-anak memerlukan lingkungan yang baik untuk mendukung perkembangan sosialnya. Akan tetapi, sungguh ironis, di masa pandemi Covid 19 ini anak-anak justru tidak memiliki lingkungan yang baik untuk perkembangan sosialnya. Anak-anak terkungkung dan terbatasi geraknya karena situasi pandemi Covid 19. Akibatnya saat ini banyak sekali anak-anak yang memiliki permasalahan perihal kemampuan bersosialisasi. Sesuai dengan hasil penelitian Broto (2015) dan Ambaryani (2014), metode permainan tradisional mampu menstimulus dan mentriger kemampuan bersosialisasi anak, maka sangat urgen jika permainan tradisional kembali lagi dihidupkan dalam proses belajar mengajar di KB dan TKK. Atas dasar inilah program pengabdian ini diadakan. Ada empat metode yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan program ini, yaitu (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) mengenai permainan tradisional, (2) Workshop pembuatan modul permainan tradisional untuk KB dan TKK, (3) Pelatihan permainan tradisional dan (4) Evaluasi. Keempat kegiatan ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Luaran dari kegiatan ini diantaranya adalah video kegiatan, berita media massa online, hak cipta buku modul permainan tradisional untuk KB dan TKK dan draf jurnal ilmiah untuk pengabdian. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pertama program ini sangat menjawab permasalahan sosial saat ini dimana sejak masa pandemi Covid 19 kemampuan bersosialisasi anak sangat menurun, kedua sekolah mengapresiasi secara positif program ini dan berharap ada tindaklanjut pendampingan saat implementasi.
Kata-kata kunci: KB-TKK Santo Yusup 3 Malang, Kemampuan sosialisasi anak, Modul permainan tradisional, Pelatihan permainan tradisional.
Early age, both the age of the Play Groups (KB) and the age of the Kindergartener (TKK) is the golden age for the development of children's social skills. Children need a good environment to support their social development. Ironically, during the Covid-19 Pandemic children lose this good environment for their social development. Children are confined and their movements are restricted due to the Pandemic. As a result, there are currently many children who have problems in their ability to socialize. In accordance with the results of Broto's (2015) and Ambaryani’s (2014) researches, traditional game methods should be able to stimulate and trigger children’s social skills, so it is very urgent to revive traditional games in the teaching and learning processes in KB and TKK. On this basis, the current community service was conducted. There were four methods carried out in this program, namely (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) regarding traditional games; (2) Workshop on making traditional game modules for KB and TKK; (3) Traditional Game Training; and (4) Evaluation. These four activities ran well and smoothly. The outputs of this activity include videos of the activities, online mass media news, copyright of traditional game module books for KB and TKK, and a community service journal article draft. The results of the evaluation indicate that firstly, this program was able to answer today’s social problems where following the Covid-19 Pandemic children’s social skills have greatly declined, and secondly, the school involved appreciated this program and expected a follow-up to the mentoring during the activity.
Key words: KB-TKK Santo Yusup 3 Malang, children’s social skills, traditional game modules, traditional game workshop.