Prosentase sampah plastik di Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua, setelah sampah organic, yaitu
14% dari total. Indonesia termasuk salah satu dari 8 negara terbesar kontributor sampah plastik di laut.
Berdasarkan data tersebut, pemerintah berusaha mengurangi limbah plastik melalui berbagai cara, sehingga perlu
dilakukan pemilahan sampah plastik mulai dari sumbernya (rumah tangga). Pemahaman kesadaran memilah
sampah plastik dapat dilakukan melalui edukasi, salah satunya kegiatan edukasi terhadap siswa SD, SLB dan
SMP di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka memperingati World Environment Day
dengan tema Beat Plastic Pollution. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan penayangan video singkat dampak sampah
plastik terhadap biota laut; lomba mewarna tote bag sesuai tema; dan lomba memilah sampah organik, anorganik
dan B3. Dari hasil penayangan video, terdapat 57,1% peserta SD memahami isi pesan dalam video tersebut, dan
75% peserta SLB dan SMP yang memahami. Seluruh peserta paham untuk memilah sampah organic dari
sampah lain. Sedangkan dalam memilah sampah anorganik, 50% peserta SD bisa memilah dengan benar;
sementara peserta SLB dan SMP hanya 25% bisa memilah dengan benar. Pemahaman memilah limbah B3, 100
% peserta SMP,75% peserta SD dan 50% peserta SLB bisa memilah, meski masih ada kesalahan.
Kata kunci : edukasi, pemilahan, sampah plastik
The percentage of plastic waste in Indonesia ranks second after organic waste, constituting 14% of the total.
Indonesia is among the eight largest contributors of plastic waste in the oceans. The government has been
making efforts to reduce plastic waste through various means, emphasizing the need for plastic waste
segregation at its sources (households). Awareness and understanding of plastic waste segregation can be
achieved through education, including educational activities for elementary, special needs, and junior high
school students in Pasuruan Regency. These activities are conducted in commemoration of World Environment
Day with the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution." The activities include the screening of a short video illustrating the
impact of plastic waste on marine life, tote bag colouring competition, and waste segregation competition for
organic, inorganic, and hazardous waste. From the video screening, 57.1% of elementary school participants
understood the message, while 75% of special needs and junior high school participants understood it. All
participants understood how to segregate organic waste from other waste types. However, when it came to
segregating inorganic waste, only 50% of elementary school participants could do so correctly, while only 25%
of special needs and junior high school participants could do it. For segregation of hazardous waste, 100% of
junior high school participants, 75% of elementary school participants, and 50% of special needs participants
could do it, with some errors.
Keywords: education, segregation, plastic waste.